Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir has been a center of vitality in the life of First Congregational for decades. This choir is led expertly by our choir director, Nancy Allen, who has directed “Platinum Edition” at Viterbo University. The Sanctuary Choir shares anthems from a variety of traditions and leads the congregation in service music at the 10 AM service from Jazz Sunday through Pentecost. All are welcome to join them in rehearsal.

  • Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday Warm-ups: 9:20 AM – 9:45 AM in Balcony
  • Director: Nancy Allen
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The Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir of First Congregational creates contemplative space in our worship service. They are directed adeptly by Suellen Retzlaff. All adults are welcome to ring. The choir also welcome student-age individuals who are able to read music. They share a range of musical pieces in our worship services several times a year. They laugh a lot and soothe their souls by ringing the bells. Whether you are a member of the church or not, join them for rehearsal.


Our Church has a rich variety of instruments that enliven the worship of our congregation.


Hendrickson Organ

The Hendrickson Organ has four manuals with sixty-one boxwood and ebony keys on each, thirty-three stops, and forty-six ranks of pipes—the largest is 16 feet long and the smallest the size of a pencil. In 2014, a computer was installed in the organ allowing transposition, recording, and playback. Each organist can even program their own memory settings making the organ user-friendly for multiple organists.


Wissinger Portative Organ

This portative organ was built by Darron Wissinger in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It has four pipes, four stops, and one manual which is transposable. The organ was dedicated during Advent in 1986 as a memorial to longtime members: Nora Fish, Dorothy Phillips, Hubert Schleiter, and Oliver Stoffer.


Willard Martin Harpsichord

The Willard Martin Harpsichord was dedicated in 1985 as a memorial to Agnes Vincent Voigt Osborne by her family and friends. It was handmade by Willard Martin in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It has a single manual in the French tradition, patterned after an antique prototype made in Paris around 1720, signed Nicolas Blanchet. It is believed that the French builders of that period used the same basic drawing for both single and double manual instruments. The design has a range of 58 notes, chromatic from GG to e'''. The keyboard transposes one semitone, A=440 or any other semitone differences. It is used for special performances.



Steinway Grand Piano

The Steinway Grand Piano in the Sanctuary was refurbished in the 1980s. Musicians in our own church and the community perform concerts and recitals on this instrument.